Take the journey of Ascension.

Commence a transformative journey, and extend a sacred invitation to elevate your soul consciousness and radiate as a luminous being of light.


"Discover Your True Colours: Unveil Your Soul's Essence and Shine Bright, with Deep Soul Connection, Wisdom & Remebrance!"

Embark on the journey of Ascension, Soul Evolution and Discovery.

Are you feeling your soul’s calling?

If you sense the call of your soul urging you to undertake a transformative journey of Ascension, prepare to unlock your authentic potential.

Unfold your heart to welcome system upgrades and sacred codes that illuminate the way to manifest New Earth Reality.

Embrace the profound expansiveness of Soul Embodiment, unlocking your unique soul gifts and wisdom as we journey within.

Awoken offers a transformative six month journey for souls wanting to connect to embody their unique soul wisdom and essence.


Dive deep into the infinite potential of your heart consciousness, and nurturing heart-soul intuition.

Join us on this sacred exploration, cultivating a profound connection with the limitless essence of your soul’s essence.

Awaken to the brilliance of your soul, and let the heart's wisdom illuminate your path of growth and evolution.

Are you ready to embrace the transformative power of your awakened heart?

To begin your journey book your AWOKEN course consultation today.

— Bel Smith Spiritiual & Ascension Guide, Channel & Quantum Healer.